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Award for excellence both in character and study and Single Award

Author:    Date:  March 25, 2022  Read:

The awards are set up by the College of International Education to award students who are excellent both in character and study, and who have demonstrated excellency in some aspect.

1.Categories and Levels of Awards

(1) The number of the Award for excellence both in character and study will be allocated to students who meet the application requirements (undergraduate, Master's and doctoral students) in the academic year and the total recipients will be limited to 5%-10% of the total qualified students (undergraduate, Master's and doctoral students).

(2) No limitation will be given to the number of recipients of the Single Award

No limitation will be given to the number of recipients ofthe Single Awardwith the amount of each as RMB 600.

2. Standards

(1)Amount for Award for excellence both in character and study:

First prize: RMB 5,000 for self-funded students and RMB 1,000 for full scholarship students;

Second Prize: RMB 3,000 for self-funded students and RMB 800 for full scholarship students;

Third prize: RMB 1,000 for self-funded students and RMB 600 for full scholarship students.

Award to some scholarship students may follow that of the standards for self-funded students.

(2) The amount for the Single Award is RMB 600 for each student.

3. Requirement for Application

(1) Be friendly to China and perform well in China.

(2) Abide by the Constitution and laws of China, abide by the rules and regulations of the University, and have no criminal record.

(3) Be honest and trustworthy, with good conduct.

(4) Be physically and mentally healthy and actively participate in various activities organized by the school.

(5) The assessment shall not be within the period of the punishment granted to the applicant.

(6) The applicant for the Award for excellence both in character and study must be at least the second year (including the second year) undergraduate, master’s or doctoral students. At least a GPA 1.5 must be maintained in the academic year for international undergraduate students. The average score achieved by the international graduate students must not be lower than 75 points.

4. Review Procedure

(1)International students should submit an individual application to their main colleges for review;

(2) The College of International Education will conduct a comprehensive review of applicants;

(3) The College of International Education will organize experts to conduct evaluation;

(4) The evaluation results will be published on the website of the College of International Education for public review (not less than one week).